Ultra High Resolution Digital Micromirror Spatial Light Modulator


The ultra-high resolution digital micromirror spatial light modulator is designed using the TI low-cost controller DLPC900, which can modulate the amplitude of the input light, thus meeting the application requirements in the fields of computational optics and information optics. Ultra high resolution digital micromirror spatial light modulator uses TI advanced light control chips, designed for industrial and scientific research fields, supporting accurate internal and external synchronization signals, and being able to closely cooperate with cameras. This series of products can save image data when powered down, with high cost performance.

Ultra High Resolution Digital Micromirror Spatial Light Modulator
Ultra High Resolution Digital Micromirror Spatial Light Modulator
F6500 Type A
Ultra High Resolution Digital Micromirror Spatial Light Modulator
F6500 S600
Ultra High Resolution Digital Micromirror Spatial Light Modulator
Ultra High Resolution Digital Micromirror Spatial Light Modulator